Storytelling, part two
You remembered this post? If you don´t, go read it right now. But if you actually do remember it, here are part two! (Okey…these posts don’t have a story that you have to keep up with. So you don’t have to read part one. But if you suffer from some sort of obsessions I thought that you would like to read part one before you read part two. So…)
Health is very hot right now, and has been so for a while. And we see no signs of the trend falling back. On the contrary. When companies like this (Lundhags) places their products (pants in this case) in an environment that reveal activity and healthy choices in life, it triggers the senses that makes the customer feel satisfied with herself. Maybe we are so focused on health, wellness and exercise right now because of the guilt of spending too much time in front of screens? Anyhow. These kind of commercials works.
If we have this guilt about spending to much time infront of screens then how dous the companies that sell electronic stuff do then? Well, some of them embraces it and use it to their advantage. This image for example (KreaFunk) makes me think of recharge and collect energy. Serenity. There is a charger to the phone, shaped like one of those meditation stones that you have in your hand. And that´s the feeling they want you to feel. They wanna tell you that this douse´t make you feel guilty or stressed or the stuff that we usually associate technology with. This makes you calm…
Whether we like it or not, we are influenced by the images we see. Here, for example – the environment. You can feel the warm sun in your face. It is also dry, sandy. You feel strong when you look at the picture. The model exudes strength, mostly because her position, but also the expression in her face. All this touches something in us, and it is not even certain that we are aware of it, but it happens automatically in our brains. We do some sort of scanning of the picture. And those who create the images are very aware of this. Pic: Gudrun Sjödén.
People creating TV commercials, spends more and more time on the story around a product. If the story is good the product will eventually sell it self. Pic: famous Swedish commercial – Tele2
Nowadays IKEA doesn’t sell beds. They sell dreams. Not only that, you also get to see what the celebrities are dreaming about. You get a short look into their dream worlds. IKEA has had beds in their range as long as I can remember. But why are the now selling beds for dear life, like never before (which I know from a reliable source)? YES! Celebrity Dreams of course! A perfect story.
Well, that´s all for now. Have a good day, and go out there and make storys!