So, this happened..! We turned into avatars and now the lines between IRL and cyberspace has never been more blurry. No just kidding! But the avatar bit is true.
As anyone can figure out this is an app, of course. A very funny one! It´s called Bitmoji and with it you can build your own avatar that looks like you (a bit anyway), and you can insert your bitmoji´s anywhere you communicate on the web.

Apparently this in´t a new thing, but people are just finding out about it. I´m going to send this everyday now, to everybody! Moahaha!

This one is very funny, because it´s SO not true! Everyone that knows Martin is smiling right now, right?!

If someone ask´s what I´m up to.

When you´r going on a trip.
I´m telling you, you have to try this app. You can read about it here, but it´s not difficult to install or use. So go ahead!